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From Andrew McMeel Publishing, created by Ignus Imp

BLACKBIRDS is a tabletop RPG set in a fantasy world inspired by Europe during the Hundred Years’ War. In Erebos, a cabal of power-hungry Oligarchs has stolen godhood. Their horrific act has rent the fabric of reality, allowing corrupt magic to undermine the world’s natural order. An atmosphere of lingering dread was ushered in by the recent destruction of the gods. And after slaying heaven’s pantheon, the Oligarchs turned their dark intentions on the very arbiters of Fate.

BLACKBIRDS is a dark and gritty fantasy tabletop RPG and can be summarised as an alchemical reduction of three literary styles of fiction: low fantasy, epic fantasy, and grimdark fantasy. The dead rise, magic is real, and a concealed dagger is as deadly as a polished longsword. Nobility and morality are in no way related. Every battle is a matter of life and death. But there are romantic elements, and a doomed world may also still be beautiful, permeated as it is with melancholic charm.

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