Universal D&D 5E Lite
From Uniquity Plastic, created by Daradux
Maybe you like your 5E dainty.
All of the D&D 5e SRD, but with open text fields. You do the math. That's what makes it "lite."
Forked from Dungeons & Dragons 5e SRD on March 7th, 2022.
Features: ⨮ Dungeons & Dragons 5e SRD ⨮ Custom Race & Class ⨮ 1 Custom Skill per Attribute ⨮ Tidy real estate
If you're having trouble rolling dice on an Attack or a Spell, please note: Damage must be formatted like "(#d#)[damagetype]" or "(#d#)[damagetype] + (#d#)[damagetype]" such as "(4d6)[fire] + (2d8)[force]" and [heal] works as a damage type. Also, in order for a Spell to roll, the Attack/Save drop-down must be set to Ranged Attack or Melee Attack. If you enter a Cantrip and it seems to have disappeared, just change the drop-down menu to "All Levels," and you will see them. In order for your Cantrips to show up under "Cantrips," you will first need to store them as something else, then reopen them and store them as Cantrips. The problem is that even when a blank space is put at the top position in the table, the script for functionality doesn't allow the blank space to be in the top position in the drop-down menu. I'm sorry, this seems to be an indefinite burden at this point in time.
Publish 10, continued.
I also deleted the spell checkbox, because the id was nowhere in the script, it would just bonk and you'd have to reload the table to make spells link to chat again.
Publish 10 - Bug Fixes (Hit Dice Bars & Monster Attack)
Surprise! I fixed a couple things.
It occurred to me that when you right-clicked on a token and selected "Bars," only Hit Dice 1 would show, but not work, so I made sure all 4 will show and work.
I've racked my brain time & again about the Monster Attack problem, but apparently, it's finally been racked enough. The problem was that if there was a Hit Bonus of 0 in a Monster Attack, it would bypass the hit roll and go straight to the damage roll. Well, so I decided "not if," and "not else," and that did the trick after I made sure all the vertical lines moved back to the left.
Perhaps this is the last publish?
Publish 9.1 - 15 Piece Hit Dice
Here's a bonus publish. You now have more choices for your Hit Dice on your Character Sheet. It won't break anything, you just have more options.
I know it's been a long time. I made a fork and then removed the Iron Kingdoms mechanics, the Housing/Settlement details and the extra avatars for Inventory Items & other things in Tabs. There was an interference with the main Character Sheet avatar and the others wouldn't do the same thing, even though they were identical. I had hope that I could find a way to make it work, but my hope was in vane. I've removed the nonsense and let it be, as-is. This is now my final publish. I also gave it an original logo image.
Publish #8 is Live!
The Story craft now has its own sheet and it links to chat when you click on entry titles. If you're worried about bumping them, you could just not give it a title, there won't even be a "0" for a blank entry title. Same goes for the body, in case you want just a title, I mean who knows, whatever. lol
I'm sorry this publish is kind of minimal, I spent a lot of time this week preparing for Gen Con Indy 2022. I'll be running Ruins of Symbaroum on Saturday, August 6th at 6pm, even though it's not currently in the events catalog. I've already spoken with Free League's Event Coordinator, I've been approved and the event has been submitted to Gen Con.
I plan to run The Promised Land here on Let's Role after Ruins of Symbaroum Release Day, June 7th, in the weeks leading up to Gen Con.
More information to come!
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