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Unknown Armies V3
De Atlas Games, criado por Neuralnoise

• An occult horror RPG about broken people trying to fix an equally broken world. • The third edition is now available, with core material split between three main books for ease of sharing during play. • Explore the world of the occult underground through tense, mature roleplaying.

The world of Unknown Armies is much like the one we live in: full of death and taxes, political deadlocks, reality television, and cell phone addiction. Most people don't realize that magick is real, but it is.

In fact, reality as we know it is shaped by a group of 333 people so dedicated to certain attributes that they become the archetypes of the Invisible Clergy, who are locked in an eternal struggle for power.

Your characters are pawns in this power struggle…or hoping to join the ranks of the Invisible Clergy itself.

As your characters try to fix what is broken in the world, they might struggle against the New Inquisition, the Sect of the Naked Goddess, or their own deteriorating sanity. They might face vampires, godwalkers, or fellow practitioners of magick. Will they fall in the face of unrelenting opposition? Find out in Unknown Armies.

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