The next step on our journey

While we have been pretty busy with the development of new features for Let's Role, we've also wanted for quite some time to give our homepage a fresh coat of paint and here it is !

We hope you will enjoy this new design as it is a good indicator of our next goals : the Kickstarter Campaign and then the beta version of Let's Role. If you're with us on the Discord Server, you've already met William who joined us a couple of months ago, he is responsible for everything visual on the website and platform. You may have already seen his work as he made the characters sheet skins and he still has a lot of cool projects in the works, but more on that soon™.

Today we would like to give some update on what's going on right now and what's coming in the near future. As a reminder, you can check our official roadmap on Trello to know what we're currently working on. With the design up and running, our next update is meant to give everyone the tools to make sure that you feel safe while playing on Let's Role. It is a matter that we take to heart and which was at the core of Let's Role creation : benevolence is one of the founding values of the project, which we are going to implement into the structure of the platform itself. We will publish a more detailed post on this subject later.

One of the two remaining items currently on the roadmap is the ability to share the control of a craft with a player. As you may know, GMs can create monsters or NPC on the go and it will be a welcome addition to allow players to roleplay these creations. The other one is the so called "Book" update, which is a big one. We've been talking about it for a while and it is something we want to make sure is done right before we implement it. What we call a Book is linked to a game system and is a collection of crafts, items, monsters, medias and so on. We will add the System Reference Document (SRD) for the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons. For example, you will be able to pick up any monster and add it to your scene. We will also publish a more detailed post later. There's another update coming up not on the roadmap, we want to improve the text editor for the journal. It's looking well and while we're not ready to announce a date for it yet, we believe it is a matter of weeks.

Last but certainly not least, we would like to talk more about the upcoming Kickstarter campaign. It is now our prime objective for the upcoming months and while we cannot reveal too much about it, we guarantee that we'll keep you posted on this matter. As more people join Let's Role, we receive more and more feedback and with your help we believe we're on the right track to create the virtual tabletop we've always wanted. Our sole developer Jonathan has been working on it full time for more than a year now and we've always known that at some point we would feel ready to ask for your support in order to get to the next level.

Thank you for your renewed interest in Let's Role, we'll talk to you again soon.

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