
Find the latest news about Let's Role!

Open Source Launch

We are open sourcing our game engine!

2025 for Let's Role

We hope your start to 2025 is going well! Here are the planned changes in the coming months on Let's Role.

November news!

Here's a summary of all the Let's Role news from this month!

Subscriptions changes

Details about the subscriptions changes in October 24

Let's Role Goes Open Source & Exciting Updates!

Big changes are coming to Let's Role! We're opening our code to the community, evolving Play Pass benefits with new skins, and making website improvements. Learn more about these exciting updates and how to support Let's Role!

Discover Our New Mobile App

Discover Our New Mobile App

What's new in this month Play Pass?

Maps, dice, and animated frames!

State of Let's Role and April Play Pass

What's the latest on Let's Role? What's new in the April Play Pass?

February Play Pass

What's new this month ?

Let's Role's future

I'd like to go back a bit to the history of Let's Role, its current state, and its future.

In November's Play Pass

Houses maps; frost dice and Halloween animated frame

What's new in the October Play Pass?

What's new in the October Play Pass?