Hello everyone,
The moment has finally arrived for the open-source release of the Let's Role game engine 🥳
This represents 85k+ lines of TypeScript, 30k+ lines of SASS, and 3.7k+ lines of HTML templates, spread across 6 projects. The new license is LGPL, which means the code can be used in commercial projects, but any modifications must also be made publicly available under the same LGPL license. Not all of Let's Role is being open-sourced; several modules that form the lets-role.com website remain closed-source proprietary code. However, all the code that allows a game to run is now open!
A starter is available to install Let's Role on your machine. For now, only Linux installation instructions are available. But the project should be installable on Windows and macOS without issues. Feel free to contribute to the starter project if you succeed!
A crucial point for the success of the open-source release will be communication. Above all, don't start developing in your corner; ask and share in the dedicated Discord forum.
The Let's Role code is not exemplary; I developed it under time pressure over the past 6 years. There are many areas for improvement. But together, we will be able to evolve Let's Role for the entire community!
Here are the links:
- Contributing (read first): https://gitlab.com/letsrole/starter/-/blob/main/CONTRIBUTE.md?ref_type=heads
- Starter project : https://gitlab.com/letsrole/starter
- Install: https://gitlab.com/letsrole/starter/-/blob/main/INSTALL.md?ref_type=heads
- Projects on gitlab: https://gitlab.com/letsrole
- Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/ef46e4tjZQ
Happy coding to all!