Since the beginning of Alpha, we were using Trello to track bugs and future features, but as the tool filled up, tracking became more and more difficult.
So we switched to a true full-featured ticket tracking tool, which we strive to keep updated regularly. Go to to check it out!
There is a default dashboard view, to get an overview, and in the "Issues" tab, you can search and filter tickets in an advanced way. Each ticket has a "scope", such as "Scene" or "Journal" so you can easily find all tickets related to a particular area.
We have tried to enter as many suggestions and bugs as possible from the past and from the last 3 months, but some of them have not been included or have fallen through the cracks. Don't hesitate to tell us on Discord or on the forum if a bug or a suggestion you think is relevant is not yet on the tracker!
For the moment, we are busy preparing the Beta, and we don't have the means to move forward on the majority of the tickets, but as soon as the Beta is released, we will be able to fix the bugs and develop the features listed on the tracker!
Also, don't hesitate to send hearts to Dyzae on Discord, who reports all the bugs and suggestions on the tracker, before Jonathan sorts them out.
Otherwise, many of you answered our survey in early May, and we will soon be able to present you the results. Thank you very much!