What is the syntax of the dice rolls?

General syntax

See the general dice roll syntax examples page.

In Chat

Simply prefix formulas with the /r command in Chat (remember to insert a space between this command and the formula).

You can reference certain elements of your character sheet in the rolls by using an @.

For example:

/r 1d20 + @str_mod

Variants for the Chat

  1. Prefix with /roll or /r to make the rolls visible to everyone.

  2. Prefix with /gmroll or /gr so that the rolls are visible only to you and the GM.

  3. Prefix with /gmonlyroll or /gor so that the dice rolls are only visible to the GM.

In the QuickBar

Use the general dice roll syntax in the QuickBar when prompted to enter a formula.

In computed components

Use the general dice roll syntax in computed components. You can include elements from your character sheet and tests.

See the computed values page on the Let's Role! wiki.

In the System Builder script

Use the general syntax for dice rolls in the script. You can include variables.

For example:

Dice.roll(sheet, '1d10+' + myStr + '>=9', myTitle, myVisibility, {