• Avrai accesso a questo PDF sia sul sito Web che nella partita e potrai scaricarlo quante volte vorrai.
  • Lingua: inglese
  • Tipo: Supplemento
  • Data di pubblicazione: 01/01/2021
  • Set di regole: DD5
  • Generi: Fantasy

Player's guide

Supplement for 5E players

This Player's Guide is intended for use in conjunction with Book 1 of the Fateforge series, Adventurers, as a tool for easy access to all rules for players. It includes:

• A reminder of the step-by-step character creation process

• A chapter introducing Eana and her civilizations

• Rules and charts for weapons and armour

• A reminder of the rules of combat, Wounds and Conditions

• Technical and magic glossaries

• Spell lists by class