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Dragons Conquer America
De Studio Deadcrows, criado por Kharakhol


Dragons Conquer America est un jeu de fantasy historique se déroulant dans le Nouveau Monde, à l’époque de l’arrivée des Espagnols. La magie, les créatures fantastiques et les esprits sont omniprésents. Parcourez les déserts peuplés de tribus nomades en passant par les jungles constellées de cités mayas et, évidemment, l’immense empire aztèque.

Mais l’arrivée des explorateurs espagnols et leurs dragonnières bouscule l’équilibre fragile de ces contrées. Les majestueux serpents à plumes abandonnent les Aztèques. Des alliances se forment… et des guerres se préparent.


Dragons Conquer America is a CLASSIC ROLE PLAYING GAME, with high adventure, monsters and the epic struggle between the mortal and supernatural world..

It will allow you to live stories about ADVENTURERS that explore the Mesoamerican lands, hunt devilish monsters and discover ancient ruins. You will be able to create your character from one of the 13 available orders, cast powerful faith based spells, safeguard yourself from corruption and curses, outgrow your prejudices and unravel long-forgotten secrets.

With gameplay inspired by video games such as Monster Hunter, and a setting that draws from realistic fantasy sagas as The Witcher and alternate reality novels like Temeraire, the game offers a honest depiction of the Mesoamerican world, its people and their lore.

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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

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