Here's a summary of all the Let's Role news from this month!
Success of the Play Pass changes
The changes we've made in recent months are a great success so far. Thank you all for your trust! If you love Let's Role, the Play Pass is truly the best way to support us.
New pre-made character sharing lounge
On Discord, come find pre-made characters for your adventures, and share your own in #character-gallery. Characters are grouped by system for easy searching.
Play Pass skins update
Following a survey of Play Pass Adventurers, the Play Pass skins have been greatly revised! Find all this month's skins here:
5E SRD sheet update
A big thank you to Tiamate who did a massive update of the 5E sheet available here. The list of all the changes is in development-logs on Discord. It's never been easier to play 5E on Let's Role than now!
Postponement of the transition to Open Source
Opening to Open-Source requires considerable work, and for my health, I have decided to postpone it to early 2025. I will of course keep you informed of the progress of the work. Thank you in advance for your understanding.