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  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Art:Karte
  • Datum der Veröffentlichung:1.1.2021
  • RegelwerkDD5
  • Genres:Fantasy

Cartography for Encyclopedia

Cartography set for Encyclopedia Volume 1 - 15 cities and 4 lands

This cartography set of the world of Eana in A3 format illustrates 4 lands and 15 cities described in Book 4 Encyclopedia:

• The lands of the Free City

• Drakenbergen

• Kaan

• Septentrion

• Ayangaba'üül, the Necropolis City

• Dörtharo's Lock

• Easafir, capital of Kartaçöl

• The Free City

• Katafygia, capital of Boréia

• Khaalgany, capital of Old Kaan

• Kömirqala, the Mining City

• Kuhr, the City of Death

• Lihyân, the Merchant Lock

• Mangulik

• Nubilbabassür, the Garden City

• The City-state of Pahalakadam

• The Diabolist City of Shüd'delkhii

• Tatarine's Free Port

• Zogsokh

Every city is presented with its legend on one side for the game leader, and without on the other side for the players, to avoid any spoilers.