A repeater allows you to setup a dynamic list of view. Users can add or remove entries. On a view, a repeater component is like a container that will contain one "readable view" for each entry it contains. The "editable view" is initiated and show only to edit or add a new repeated entry to the repeater.
Editable view
The view used to edit the data. This view is initiated when you start to
edit or add an entry to the repeater. The ids of the components used in
this view will create data that you can use in the readable view using
the #
in front of their id. For example, if you have a TextInput with
an id "Name", you can refer this value in the readable view using a
Label, with the Computed value #Name
Readable view
The view used by default to display information about the entry. Use
references with #
to refer to the components' values used in the
Editable view.