Prompt API

The Prompt API allows you to ask the user to fill a small form before an action. For example, if you need a modifier before a dice roll, you can prompt a small popin asking the modifier's value.

The prompt itself consist of a title, a view's id, and a callback with the data collected from the view. The view is initialized in the global init(sheet) function.


sheet.get('attack').on('click', function() {
    sheet.prompt('Modifiers ?', 'rollprompt', function(result) { // rollprompt is the id of the view
        // result is an object of the data of the view
        // after the user clicks "continue".
        // if the user cancel the prompt, the function is not called
        if (result.advantage) {
            Dice.roll(sheet, 'keeph(2d20)'); 
        } else {
            Dice.roll(sheet, '1d20');

sheet.prompt(title, view, callback, callbackInit)

title, type: string required, The title of the prompt window. view, type: string required, The ID of the view to use. callback, type: Function required, The callback to get the data once the user click the "next" button. The first argument is the view's data. callbackInit, type: Function, The callback called when opening the prompt which allows to modify elements of the prompt view from information coming from the sheet which calls sheet.prompt(...)


sheet.get('attack').on('click', function() {
    sheet.prompt('Modifiers ?', 'rollprompt', function(result) { // rollprompt is the id of the view
        // result is an object of the data of the view
        // after the user clicks "continue".
        // if the user cancel the prompt, the function is not called
        if (result.advantage) {
            Dice.roll(sheet, 'keeph(2d20) + ' + result.prompt_modifier); 
        } else {
            Dice.roll(sheet, '1d20 + ' + result.prompt_modifier);
    }, function(promptView){ // callbackInit
        // the callbackInit function can access the sheet which calls the prompt and the prompt sheet
        const dex_modifier = sheet.get('dex_modifier').value(); // dex_modifier is on the character sheet
        promptView.get('prompt_modifier').value(dex_modifier); // prompt_modifier is on the prompt sheet

Prompt(title, view, callback)

This stand-alone function has been deprecated, use sheet.prompt() instead

title, type: string required, The title of the prompt window. view, type: string required, The ID of the view to use. callback, type: Function required, The callback to get the data once the user click the "next" button. The first argument is the view's data.